Music Playlist at

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long time no blog eh?
hols= boredom.
anyone know where i can buy something related to kyou kara maou! (god(?) save our king! ) ? (its an anime) . soft toy , cup, shirt etc?
i reallyreallyreally wanna buy ! eheheh, addicted.
seriously! i really want!
( it would be great of a christmas present for me (: )
i swear, i really want ehh!

tagtag i you know pleasepleaseplease:D

today was darn boring.
had last two matches today, lost both DDD:
2nd last team lehh, sadsad DDDD:
just so you know,
CATALINA is an awesome GS kayyy!? :D
i'm starting to like netballl nowwwwwwww (:
you know, i find oln damn dumb, they made this friday grad day.
damn retarded, all the P6s gonna cry and goodbye on friday and then two
days later when they cme back to school, they'll see each other again-,-
and OMG, i didn't knowwww,
first black american president lehh, cool right?!
and is darn cool that i'm alive to witness it!
daddy said its gonna be a big mess, all the white people would try to kill obama and
blahblahblah. crap.
nvm, its just still darn cool kay?!
hee. i had no idea lah, i thought was just close to winning-.-
had to ask tony if he won or not-.-
slowslowslow ._.
oh, miss lim had a talk with us about vulgar blogs and such.
one P6 girl from OLN wrote about some other gurl using , to miss lim, "flowery"
language, then almost became a police case. lols.
so everyone now privating up their blogs.
eh, if you private invite meee!
yeah, i dun use cause i got account already but forgot pass(:
gonna stay up to watch naruto with justin/
what? can't i like naruto? rocks okay?
i like KAKASHI:D:D
dran cute lah he, i mean in a way, its like geraldine's mum, cute:D
jesslyn likes tony!:D
well, not comfirm, but she really is acting like she does.
cool right? :D
but dun think tony likes her back lah. sad.
OH! today had photo-taking!(:
was fun. i almost fell off the bench lah! got fat-ass jubilee behind me, then got
chong rei next to me, then i right at the end. one foot wasn't even on the bench.
sadsad. couldn't fun shot with geralding):
nvmnvm, i got phone cam and cam anytime can take pic with her de :D
still got one week left of p5ness.
bleahs, 2008 best year for meeee okays?!
lols. random.
i'm just jumping from topic to topic.
went to martina's blog just now.
okayyy... random again.
i'm still looking for a place to watch sugar sugar rune!
bleahs, crunchyroll i watch already. and then got but, its not subbed):
and then myspace i can't find!
help meeee.
find me the link pleaseeeeeeeeee.
i wannna watchhhh! heeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
gosh i type sooo slow.
almost five minutes of typing and came up with such a short paragraph.
oh, OBAMA WON!wait, blogged about that already.
bleahs. nothing to le. but i'm darn bored.
still got about a minute before naruto starts.
omg, power puff girls Z very retarded lehh.
blossom fights people with a yo-yo=.=
oh! naruto start le!

hi blogger(:
yesterday and today was fun.
yesterday had 2 netball games.
1 with 5peace and the other with 5grace.
bleahs, 5 peace strongggg can? we lost D: .
i only played one half with 5peaces cause during break,
i started to cry, my knee hurt like hell lah. couldn't walk properly.
audrey and francesca accompany me to general office, then mrs low check my knee
say that my knee joint come out abit . >.< .
must go see docter if it hurts like that again.
oh, we won against 5grace. they easy win de.
no netballers in their class one.
after game with 5grace had recess then almost 3 hours of sitting down in
the hall for PAPER CHECKING :O. i'm not very happy with my chinese and science marks:/
but only failed chinese so, NO EM3 NEXT YEAR:D:D. happyhappy!(: .
stayed back after that to practise(:
darn suck-ish lah!
our team went to jesslyn's house the basketball court there, then while we
playing got these 3or4 boys, younger than us, suddenly come and started disturbing us, throwing balls into the net, STUPID LAH! cannot see we playing ahhh?
blind ahhh? so we scold them, then they say " NOT YOUR HOUSE WHAT!?!?! this is basketball court leh!" one boy pointing to the sign then say " SEE! BASKET BALL COURT! BASKETBALL ONLY!" FAM LAH! they never say ONLY ,retarded .
and then one boy call dunno who come, and then these seng kang sec. students came.
WALAO! come then take over! so we decided to go to the playground practise
passing, and then this retarded security gaurd come scold us say cannot play there,
will disturb the people! WTH. its a playground, helllo?
haiz, so went to jesslyn's house in the end.
played for awhile. then it started raing HEAVILY(: happy.
the sengkang people and the 3or4 shorties got wet!
HAH! see, you do bad, god takes revenge! well, not really revenge lah.
:D went home at around 4plus.
today first period MT - rocks.
played uno stacko with shanta, hannah, elizabeth and ruth. the thing keep topple down
make BIGBIG noise,.
i think there were only 8ppl in class inculding teacher,
the rest went up to support 5G.
after mt had CME. CME 15 mins only then went down to practise.
then game with 5joy , died.
LOSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. famming 5joy had to be darn good in netball D:
nvmnvm. still got 2 more games can TRY to win :D
after match had recess then class till 11.30.
went to train till 12.30.
i ACCIEDENTALLY hit vanessa mouth with the ball , then i said sorry she keep
hitting my leg where i am injured . RETARD. and then she expect me to play tmr.
was damn angry with her. 12.30 had art.
sat with the netball team , but was damn quiet.
barely said anything. still darn angry.
after that stayed back for practise, still very quiet.
today's practise is the most fun we've had sooo far.
had friendly match with 5faith, 4 grace and 5 love.
lost all except 4grace.
but some players were missing, so still got hope of wining:D
went home aT abt 5.
stopped bye underground shop and then home-ed:D


you have stop saying sorry, i'm too angry at you.i don't forgive you, and i never
will. i have decided! i won't hate you. i'll just pretend you're not there.
that you don't exist, even if you do. so EASY RITE? now you can say whatever you
want about me, cause i don't know you, and i never want to(:

so you all read hor, don't ask me anything that inculdes sherilyn hor(((:

okay. shall end here.
gonna watch naruto on some website:D
eheh, anyone know where i can watch
ep.35-50 of "sugar sugar rune" with eng. subs?
kay, ending now.
i mean, i am ending...


hah, its beeeen soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long :D

lots and lots and lots and lots of things have happned:D

like cata's birthday party and all.


but shall not talk about alll that, shall talk about more recent stuffs.

OH! i'm in the netball inter-class thing D:

i dunnno how to play netballll o.o

our first game was on friday, we lost. bad.

over10 - 0 D:

sadsad, never mind, still got lots of games to come.

our first practise was funny, stayed back on thursday to practise

but had no space in school, so went to the opposite basketball court.

but then also got people, so we walked to jesslyn's condo there/

very funnny, we walking passs the basketball court then suddenly the people

playing , their ball flew out the court and landed near to jesslyn CHEN,

then jesslyn LEE walking in front of her and suddenly  say 

Jesslyn LEE : eheh! i want throw back! 

* threw ball back *

friend of guy whose ball fell out : eh ! that girl likes you man!

haha, funnny.

(JESSLYN LEE LIKES TONY, but she says she doesn't) 

she told us not to tell tony anything!:D

aww, she doesn't want to break tony's heart:D

aww, jesslyn ,(:

everytime cata talks about tony, jesslyn will put this BIGBIG smile on her face.


soooooo cuteeeeeeeeee:D

but, tony doesn't like her DDDDDDDDDDD:




went to watch hsm3 with

cata, hada, cassey, hazirah(p5) , jubilee and naomi:D

it was funnny.

first waited for cassey and hazirah at the hougang green busstop then cassay's dad drove us to 

compass point , then took mrt from there to doby ghaut.

in the train, 

hah! damn funny!

got one baby boy standing behind us, crying,

so i turned around to see why and then i saw his BUTT 0.0!

haha, hazirah is embrassing to go out with, but she is damn funny okay!?

hah, she got understanding, gender and slowness problems:D

once we reached plaza sing. went to eat some light snack and waiting for cat, once we found cat we went to buy tickets, at first we only bought 6 cause we thought jubilee wasn't coming

cause she never answer her phone, btw, we were damn pissed off with her La!called her soo

much she never answer!

after buying the tickets we all spilt up and walked around plaza sing, i was with cat and cassey was with hazirah.

me and cat went into girlz , omg! the things are nice, but i hate the designs!

soooo irritating to look at can!?

but i like the colthes there:D

after that we went to the shop just next to it, which was "miss whatever"

omg, nice LAH!!!!!!!

me and cat saww thiss super nice shirt inside:D

shall bring mummmy go there next time:D

went into build a bear.

very retarded lahh, they were singing a song for some birthday girl.

the things they sell, super retarded. can waste lots of cash there lehh!

we walked around somemore then went to b2.

around 12.30 juby called!


then she said she was coming, so went back up to the 7th floor to buy juby's ticket,

LUCKY got space for her lah!

otherwise i waste my 10bucks.

around 12.45liddat, hadasya and naomi came, at that time we were sitting at KFC eating some light snack,

around 1plus juby arrived in doby ghuat, then she went out the wrong exit-.-

so went cassey had to go around finding her.

she ended up at capital mall=.=

after we found her, me and cassey hit her sooooooooo hard lah!

went back to KFC to find hazirah they all, then went to the GV.

went to toilet first then buy our things.

then went into the theater thingggyyyyyy.

t he ads we damn fck-ing long okay!?


i tell you, MUST WATCH!

i actually don't like HSM but then HSM3 was really damn nice!

the plot damn different from different from the other 2 movies lah.

jason is damn funnny:D

i like the blooopers:D

this no the same bloopers but still funny:D

hah, i like the part they forgot their pants and the zac getting his foot stuck in the chair


okay , so anyway btt.

during the movie naomi had to go pee, so hada and hazirah had to follow her.

naomi tryin to walk pass me then hada behnd her scolding her cause she move to slow,

but damn funny! she move to slow cause her jacket was stuck to the chair and hada's hand was holding it down! hah, retarded.

after move went to arcade / me and cassey went down to sembawang so she could buy her

CD. then went back to the arcade and then she had to go):

so left me, jubeh, cat , hada , hazirah and naomi.

we decided to go compass to take neoprint at timezone.

the train ride was damn long lah.

we all sat on the flooor at the connecter part.

naomi actually fell asleep!


we reached compass then went staright to timezone.

took neoprints and then played.

hazirah played this one 2dollar game for me.

omg she almost one lah!

she darn good!

then played the game using my money, but lots again):

hazirah rocks lah, she said she would pay me back 2bucks cause she lost for me.

hah, she rocks:D

after that we went home.

mrt-ed with jubehh.

omg, we almost took the wrong train:D

okay, done.

HAH! hows that for a come back post?!


okay, shall end here.



i can't belive i'm sooo slow!

China Had "Cute" Girl

 Mime Opening Ceremony

 After Singer Banned For 

Crooked Teeth

they replaced the real girl (
Yang Peiyi,) with some fako (Lin Miaoke)
the only reason they replace her cause apparently, Peiyi 
was not "cute" enough?!
WTFF. what kind of justiceee!she got buck teeth 
so what lah!
at least she can sing right?!
look at her face:

this is yang pei yi.
okay whattt??! wtf is wrong with her looks!? 
she cute what?!?!?!
unlike like you! mr chen QIgang!

what if i replace YOU with some younger 
better looking dude?!
huhuhuhuhuh?!> how would you feel!?
huhuhuh?!?! shit hole.
look at their faces :

okay fine, MAYBE lin looks abit better.
you should not be judge by how you look 
but your talent,
yang pei yi won that freakin competition fare
 and square!
she should actually been the one who sang the
 song thingy in the olympics.!
just 15mins before yang performance, they decide
 that she needs to be replaced
with someone else!? WTFFF! how can liddat one?!
but peiyi did not cry , she said that she was happy
 that her voice got to be anyway.
then chen still dare say:
"The main consideration was the national interest. 
The child on the screen should be flawless in image
, in her internal feelings, and in her expression.
 In the matter of her voice in the unanimous opinion
 of all the members of the team."—Chen Qigang
needs to be flawless mehh?!
somemore, after the performance, lin apparently
 got alot of money out of it and
peiyi got nothing.
WTFFF. her voice was used! and she got nothing!
and all lin had to do was stand there
and pretent to sing. HECK! i can do that too you

oh!! and apperently, the fireworks were editted before 
actually being board casted on tv.
so everything we saw was probably fake.
everything was done by the dick head CHEN QIGANG.,

i totally despise people with that kind of attitude lah!
you can't just replace anyone cause they dun look "cute" 
walao lah! 15freakin minutes before the performace!
FIFTEEN! she was just getting ready for probably the
 biggest performace
of her tiny little life and what, they replace her!

so anyway, got my e-mail from SWAGG!:D:D
gonna go collect my prize then friday.
in the e-mail they damn retarded, they spell my
 name as CHERESA! i said THERES and spelt as CHERESA=.=
bleahs, dun care.
i won 2 tees a jacket and a watch:D

kay ending here:D bye holes:D



nothing to doo luh.

so posting:D



SHERILYN's MUMMY(passed already) 



( dunno when:D ) MISS EUW!(yesterday)




today wassss funnnny:D

everyday is funny:D:D



are just really retarded people.


this morning left home at FIVE.FORTY-FIVE!

 to meet juby.

took 88 there. omg i was sooooo retarded


in the bus was like filled with old a gongs and 


i was thinking"omg! where are all the students!"

then i suddenly say out loud " OMG! you are

alll sooooo old!"

then the guy sitting next to me was like staring at 

me(old dude) i was like.



after meetin juby we WALKED to school:Dplayed

at the playground near the kpt before entering school:D

haha, played SWINNGGGGGGGGG.

after that reached school at about 6.

went to put down my bag then went to wake up 

hazirah who was sleepin in the court yard.

she reached school at like 5? she slept at 2 and woke up at 4?!


woke her up then went toplay at the


me and juby sat on one, and hazirah fell asleep on the second one=.=

me and juby chatted fore like 20mins, and

hazirah was sleeping away=.=


class was boring.

after school stayed back with cata and

geraldine. and..err..i think was sherilyn?

yeah it was sherilyn. stayed back, chatted with 

hadasya for a while, tony is such a retard-.-


went home with shaff.

omgggg so FUNNNY!

i almost lost my friend's head to the 147 bus door.

cause she was going into the bus, and then the door 

suddenly closee.

hahahahaha, sooo funny then she almost fell down! 

haha, got sooo many people at the bus stop lah,

 i was laughing likee hellll! the old bus uncle also started laughing!


i wounder if got people outside also laughing or not. damn funny lahhh.


walked home then sat under our block and chatted for a while.

haha, we thought abt our passed memories and

 then YMCA came up)));




gonna go wild wild wet again with

yati , juby, grace, cata maybe shaf ,

 maybe geraldine and yati's friend:D

hope can go luhssss.


gonna ride da ular lar again:D:D:D:D

then maybe gonna watch hsm 3 wif sherilyn ,

 cata and juby, just to see how lame it is:D


okay, shall end here:D



HELLLLLO my blog:D
i lazy post lahhhhh:D
yesterday no school, was soooo bored in
 the morning, 
Cata started msg-ing me cause she was soooooo
was watching rush hour on HBO.
then we like last minute decide to go to sherilyn's 
met up with her around 1.30?
then while we walking we were ultra retareded
we were walking towards kimberlyn's block, then i
 saw a dog sticking his head out the second
floor window
Me:HEY LOOK! a dog!
ME: Second floor!the window!
Cata: OH! omg so cute! omg! its looking at me!
  omgg! soooo cute!  omggg.
its looking at me soooo cute! omgg!
*walks on*
Cata: wah, the dog very clever hor, can stick
 his head out the window
Me: your dog cannot meh?
Cata: my dog cannot
Me: my dog last time can
Cata: you had a dog?
Me: yeah, when i used to stay in south africa.
Cata: ohhhh, south Africa!
Me: you don't know mehh? i thought i got tell
 you before?
Cata: where got? dun have lah!
Me:gott! you that time asked me " i got dog meh?"
 and then i said i used to have when i was in south
  africa! .... *thinks for a awhile* oh yeah! that was 
just now!
*both of us laughs*
HAh, its funny to us okayyy!? you dun get it then
 to bad:D
anyway, we kept on walking, then suddenly
 i thought i saw joel

Me: cata, lets go this why
Caata: why?
Me: my "friend"
Cata: AHH!
then for some unknown reason, she starts runningg=.=
then she damn irritating lahh, underground she be like
"HEY! Dexux! , HEY! Fair price! HEY! winder land!" =.=
by the time we reached sherilyn's house was
 around 2.
sat down for awhile chatted.
re-decorated her mother's birthday cards me
 and cata did.
you know sherilyn is soo lame!
she puts her stuff on her stuff toys
OMGOMGOMG, she even put her panties on her
 big stuffed elmo!

was really bored, chatted some more.
around 3plus went down to the place there to eat.
we all 3 shared SPRING CHICKEN. 7bucks lehhh..
but was niceeeee. haha, cata tried to open chili she
 open then the tried to put it 
on tissue, ended up messing the whole place up!
haha. finished eating around 4plus.
went to the playground, at first got 2 boys then me
 and cata dun wan go.
but in the end went=.=
when walking pass some garden, got butterfly,
 catalina was like "AHHHHHHHH! BUTTERFLY!!!! AHHHHHH!" 
very loud lahh! hahahahaahaaa, she scared
 of butterflies=.=
got damn alot of dragon flies there lah!
after awhile the 2boys left, me cat and 
sherilyn played around,
then hor, got one boy come, he damn freakin
 irritating lahh!
me and sherilyn were sitting and on bench 
thing, then cata was on the slide,
he tried to scare cata-.-
omgggfggg, we dun know Whotf he is lahh!
then cata moved to the bench with us ,
 then he keep watching us.
we just ignoreeee, then he was like, " i love you!" 
OMGGGGG. so sherilyn go turn on music, cata 
kept singing hasta la vista as lala la vista!=.=
omggg. then after some time the boy left, he 
was like " bye! i really really love you!"
=.= omgggg, we just ignore onlyyyyyyyyyyy
then we played then went back to sherilyn's
we were sooo bored decided to write a birthday 
card for sherilyn's brotherrr/
his birthday was coming, so we write lorrr.
i write the thingss very retarded lehhhhhhhh.
and then i drew badminton , soccer ball and 
some basket ball thingyy and a monkey.
then cut out shapes from a green piece of paper, 
i drew a birthday muffin:D soo nice lahhhh!:D:D
then on sherilyn's  card, she go write i love you/
cata was damn retarded

Cata: wah, "ilove you" is like the sweetest thing 
you can say to your brother"
ME: yeah, i never even said i love you to my bro before
Cata: me also
Me and sherilyn : you don't have a brother!=.=
Cata: oh yeahh!
kay after that, we left at six pluss.
we took the stiars down:D 
once we reached the first floor i was like omg!
thats sherilyn's brother in the lift!
omg! yeah it is!
omg lucky we go out loooo!
while i was walking home, already very near to my block,
i saw to crazy girls in red shirt running and screaming.
i was like who the hell are they and then i walked closer,
it turned out to be Jasmine and Larissa!
omggggggggg. hahaha.,
chatted for a while then went home
was sooo bored! but lazy to post:D
kay she end here, i wanna eat breakfast!:D